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Welcome to Mornamont - the curious world inhabited by 'Colonel' John Scott.

Was John Scott a swaggering villain or a bold adventurer? It is difficult to say looking back three hundred years. The few historians who have attempted to tell his story can't agree. He remains an enigma. A life full of mystery, political intrigue, plots, international drama and unbelievably daring escapades - if ever a man had the benefit of the cat's nine lives, it was John Scott.

1. 1632-1642 The boy exiled to the New World

2. 1643-1652 The New World apprentice

3. 1652-1654 The Caribbean buccaneer

4. 1654-1662 Wheeling 'n dealing with native Indians on Long Island

5. 1663-1667 President of Long Island

6. 1668-1678 Geographer and Royal Courtier

7. France and Netherlands??

8. 1678-1681 Arch enemy of Samuel Pepys

9. 1682-1696 Murder, exile and death

More information to come ...


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